Sunday, April 19, 2015

Acne and Bodybuilding

If you have never suffered from acne before, you should not worry about bodybuilding ruining your complexion. However, if bad luck strikes you with some blemishes here and there, lifting weights might make matters worse for your skin. It is a pretty awful situation, as it leads you to believe that you have to make a choice. A choice between a good body or a good complexion. With a lot of discipline and reliable research, you might eventually work things out and refuse to compromise. 

So, here are the three main areas that you need to pay attention to in order to continue working on your fitness and, at the same time, keep you skin acne-free.


Testosterone is an acne stimulating hormone. Bodybuilding increases testosterone levels for about half an hour after you have finished your workout. This doesn't seem to pose too big of a problem, as testosterone levels quickly return to their default setting after exercising. Nonetheless, testosterone precursors, such as DHEA, are also elevated after lifting weights and it takes them several hours to get back to what they used to be. Acne patients have been found to have elevated levels of DHEA, which have been linked to an increased sebum production.  

What you can do: incorporate anti-androgens in your diet. Anti-androgens act as androgen-receptor blockers and have been used in the treatment of acne for a long time already. Think about oral contraceptives, spironolactone or cycproterone. Luckily, you can also find some plants that naturally contain anti-androgens and whose efficacy has been tested in several trials. The number one option is probably spearmint tea. Try drinking two cups a day and see if you can notice any change. Other anti-androgen plants include red reishi, licorice, Chinese peony, green tea, black cohosh, chaste tree and saw palmetto extract.


According to Giugliano et al., a diet 'high in refined starches, sugar, and saturated and trans-fatty acids and poor in natural antioxidants and fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids may cause an activation of the innate immune system, most likely by an excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines associated with a reduced production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.' Now, a bodybuilder's diet is roughly a healthy diet, with an emphasis on lean protein, vegetables and complex carbs. Sugar and refined starches should not really be a problem for a serious weight lifter. It might be the case, nonetheless, that we are ignoring one not so obvious acne promoting food: dairy. Many bodybuilders use whey protein powders or casein products, which are both derived from milk. 

What you can do: give up dairy and mind the glycemic index and load of your meals. You can switch from whey protein powder to isolated whey or vegan protein powders.


Wash the face no more than twice daily, using a gentle synthetic skin cleanser with a neutral
pH (5.5-7).

Use morning and evening creams that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, azelaic acid or tea tree oil.

Keep your pillow cases clean by washing them once or twice a week.

Keep your phone clean by wiping it off with an antibacterial gel or tissue once a day.

Seeing a dermatologist is always a good idea, so please do that if  your acne is severe. Do not forget to tell your doctor that you lift weights, as this might give him/her a better outlook on your condition.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Go Have Some Fun on the Day We Call Easter!

It's nice to take a day off every once in a while and completely disconnect from all your tasks and to-do lists. Certainly, there is no place for fun on a to-do list. Fun just happens, so go ahead and make it happen today! Large scale holidays like Easter or Christmas are an awesome opportunity for relaxing without feeling guilty, because everybody around is basically doing just that. Normally, on such occasions, I have no regrets indulging in my favorite sugary desserts or other high-carb foods that I don't usually eat. This year, however, I really don't feel like it. There is no righteousness or discipline behind this, just the fact that I don't seem to get much pleasure from sugar anymore. 

I'm not going to count calories today, nor my protein or veggie intake. I will still go to the gym because this is something that I enjoy a lot and cannot picture a fun day without it. I will cheat on my diet, but only mildly. You know, there are some foods that are outrageously bad, like sugar. And others, like honey or dried fruit, which are not the optimal health choice but are definitely not the biggest nutritional villains either. So I've prepared the following Easter menu, which contains some sub-optimal, though not disastrously bad choices: Chinese dumplings; udon with dashi, poached eggs and scallions; organic and preservative-free nachos with salsa verde; black sesame pudding with honey and coconut milk; fresh fruit; sangria, Japanese beer and roasted coconut drinks. That's a lot of carbs for one day, but, the good (or bad) part is that this whole thing lasts for one day only.

One of my favorite sayings is that you shouldn't give up what you want most for what you want right now. However, sometimes, it pays off to focus on the now and just do whatever feels good, rather than what should be done.

Have a happy Easter, everyone! :)